Exol Red Lithium Complex Grease, Grease Gun and 4 x 400gm Cartridges Starter Pack



Product Description:
Lithium Complex is a premium quality, multi-purpose long life grease, manufactured from lithium soaps and extreme
pressure additives. It provides both high temperature performance and extreme pressure properties. It conforms to
the latest specifications and is approved by leading bearing manufacturers. It is suitable for use in all anti-friction and
plain bearings subjected to high load conditions.

• Good mechanical stability • Impact resistance
• Good oxidation stability • Good corrosion protection
• Good load carrying capabilities • Wide operating temperature
• Good pump ability • Compatible with other greases

Lithium Complex is recommended for use in highly loaded industrial and automotive applications such as wheel
bearings, pump bearings etc. It has been primarily designed as a wheel bearing and chassis grease. Distances of up to
70,000 miles between re-lubrication are possible with Lithium Complex. It may replace ordinary lithium greases in
many arduous industrial applications. It is suitable for use in high pressure greasing equipment.

Typical Test Data:
Colour Red
Appearance Adhesive grease
NLGI Classification 2
Soap Base Lithium Complex
Unworked Penetration (IP50) 265-295
Worked Penetration (IP50) 265-295
Operating Temperature, °C -20 to +150
(180 for short bursts)
Drop Point, °C (IP132) 250 min.
Water Washout @ 38°C <2.5%
Base Oil Viscosity @ 40°C 180 cSt
Timken OK Load, Kg 35


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